Tag: Luis Ouida

The Frogs did it again! Vans Skateboarding released their second collaboration with Frog Skateboards and it again came out very easy and playful. That’s a very rare vibe in skateboarding and we love that. It always reminds us that it’s all about having fun. Frog rules!

The very entertaining editing is of course by Diego Meek.

Frog seems to be putting out videos like Santa is wrapping presents if that doesn’t make sense to you click this link to see all our frog-related items.

This edit seems to announce a new female team rider and to recap some of the gnarlier things to take place in a frog edit. Anyway if you like Frog than Christmas came early this year.

The Frog Team now includes Hayden Burns and together they went on a tour to Rancho Cucamonga, Phoenix & Vegas. Diego Meek made this video with his signature crazy filming and editing style. Featuring Hayden Burns, Pat Gallaher, Jesse Alba, Chris Milic, Krazy Franky and Luis Ouida.